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Gen K Potassium Liquid Fertilizer:
Potassium is one of the most important macroelements, being an enzyme activator that participates in the osmoregulation and management of nitrogen in plants. It is an element that promotes tillering and stimulates the production of new stems. Symptoms of potassium deficiency are first visible on older leaves. In plant aquariums, supplementation is necessary. Gen K is an innovative and highly concentrated fertilizer based on substances of organic origin, characterized by excellent bioavailability and absorption, which allows it to easily supplement potassium deficiencies in plant aquariums.
Dosage: Gen K: 1 click/100 liters of water per day. Gen K nano: 1 drop/5 liters of water per day. Dosage should be done close to the water flow of the filter, preferably. If you have a large number of plants, the fertilizer dosage should be increased according to the quantity.