AquaRIO NeoFLOW Normal AquaRIO NeoFLOW Normal AquaRIO NeoFLOW Normal AquaRIO NeoFLOW Normal AquaRIO NeoFLOW Normal

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The NeoFlow from AquaRIO is an innovative lily pipes for external filters with an aesthetic and compact design.

Its main difference is that it is made of PETG, a material with great transparency and high elasticity.

It offers a solution with careful aesthetics while avoiding the fragility problems that glass presents.

Advantages and characteristics of NeoFLOW:

1) Great transparency, superior to acrylic and similar to glass.

2) High elasticity and resistance. It does not break when hit, as would happen with a glass lily pipes.


3) Comfortable and compact design, with the possibility of separating the bottom grid from the entry lily pipes for better cleaning. Furthermore, the radius of curvature is smaller than in other lily pipes, enhancing its aesthetics and making them even more discreet and integrated into the aquarium.

4) Versatile, as it can be easily cut to adapt its size to the aquarium where it will be mounted. Additionally, the head allows for a 360º rotation, allowing you to direct the flow to the most suitable point for each specific setup.

- Neo Flow (Inlet and Outlet) for 12/16 tubing
- NeoHolder (2 Units) WARNING: The holder is an acrylic piece, and unlike the lily pipes, it is not flexible, so special care must be taken when tightening it to avoid breakage.


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