Oryzias latipes Youkihi Oryzias latipes Youkihi Oryzias latipes Youkihi

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This Youkihi dos Medaka variant is different in its douched / orange coloration, it does not mean that some shiny scales stand out. It is impossible to be indifferent to this Ricefish, which, apart from its fascinating behavior, exhibits quite a vibrant coloring when kept in proper conditions.

Melhor kept in a strongly planted layout, preferably with a dark substrate, with patches of dense vegetation and some open areas.

Other decorations may consist of twisted roots and some galhos, while surface vegetation is also highly appreciated by this species.

When these conditions are maintained, they are more likely to show their melhores and the aquariums planted also offer youngsters a more favorable chance of survival to either side of two adults.

It is a micro-predator that feeds on small insects, larvae, crustaceans and other zooplankton in nature. Not here, it oils dehydrated foods of the appropriate size, but must be offered daily refeições of flocks or micro fluttering granules of boa quality, as well as small live and frozen foods, such as Daphnia, Artemia, minced larvae, etc.

Obviously, it is intended to reproduce or ideally keep it sozinho, and we do not recommend keeping it with other Oryzias spp. Due to the potential for hybridization, it has been proven in laboratory experiments.

Quite easy to breed and quite prolific, with females capable of producing batches of eggs every few days or even daily when they are in good condition. Normally, it spawns at the beginning of the manhã, as males darkening their coloration and defending small temporary territories against others when they try to attract females. Adhesive eggs are normally expelled as a single mass and fertilized simultaneously, after which they continue to hang without genital pores and give female for a period before being deposited individually or in small agglomerates between vegetation or another suitable medium. Fine-leaved plants such as Limnophila, Ceratophyllum or Taxiphylum spp. There are ideas, more synthetic spawning techniques or other artificial alternatives also work.

Ficha Técnica

  • Nome da Espécie: Oryzias latipes
  • Ordem: Beloniformes//Adrianichthyidae
  • Autor: (TEMMINCK & SCHLEGEL, 1846)
  • Intervalo de pH: 6.5-8.5
  • Intervalo de Temperatura: 16-22ºC
  • Dureza: 5-25º gH
  • Tamanho adulto: 3-3.6(cm)
  • Aquário recomendado: 40 L


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