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Common Name: Tetra "Red Blue Peru"
Order: Characiformes — Family: Characidae (Characids)
Distribution: South America, Nanay River in Peru
Lifespan: 3 to 5 years or more
pH: 6.0 to 7.0 — Hardness: < 8
Temperature: 23°C to 28°C
Minimum Aquarium: 60 cm (length) X 30 cm (width) is desirable. To enhance their coloration, it is recommended to keep the aquarium densely planted. Roots and dried leaves can be added (optional). A dark sandy substrate will further intensify their colors.
Behavior & Compatibility:
Peaceful species, can be kept in community aquariums with similarly sized fish. They are social fish, so they should be kept in groups of at least 10 specimens to show their natural behavior and more vibrant colors.
Omnivore. Their natural diet is unknown, but it is presumed to consist of small invertebrates, crustaceans, and zooplankton, like other small characids. In captivity, they will readily accept both dry and live foods.
Egg-laying. Reproduction in aquariums is unknown, but it is presumed to be similar to other small characids, with free-spawning in plant clusters or substrate, without parental care.
Sexual Dimorphism:
Males are slightly smaller and have a more straight body, while females are rounder in shape. Adult males are more colorful.
Found in small, slow-moving streams with dense vegetation.
Hyphessobrycon comes from the Greek hyphesson, meaning smaller in size, and bryko, meaning to bite or biter.
Synonyms: None.
Additional Information:
This characid was imported for many years from the Iquitos region in Peru, but its description is recent. It occurs in the Nanay River, in the upper Amazon basin.