Parasalenia gratiosa - White Spot Urchin Parasalenia gratiosa - White Spot Urchin

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Species Information
Minimum Tank Size: 100 L
Max Size: 7 cm
Reef Safe: With caution
Temperament: Peaceful
Diet: Herbivore
Care Level: Easy
Origin: Indo-Pacific
Venomous: No

The White Spots Urchin boasts an oval to round black body adorned with hundreds of uniform, grey-brown spines. Typically dwelling in the back reefs, this nocturnal algae cleaner is renowned for carving small nooks into carbonatic rocks for shelter. In your home aquarium, the White Spots Urchin will thrive with ample hiding spots and enough room to forage. By day, it prefers the seclusion of caves or may even fashion a burrow in dense substrates. Under the cover of night, it emerges to feast on algae, propelled by its suction-cup-like podia aligned in five doubled rows.

For a thriving habitat, ensure your tank features generous live rock where the Urchin can graze. Sturdy rock formations are a must to withstand the burrowing antics of this Urchin as it wedges into crevices. While White Spots Urchins are generally solitary, they can coexist with others of their kind.

Sensitive to copper-based medications and intolerant of high nitrate levels, it's crucial to maintain pristine water quality to keep its spines intact.

Should algae be scarce, supplement its diet with dried seaweed. In the absence of food, it may resort to nibbling on coral tissue.

Beware of mistaking the White Spots Urchin for the Rock Boring Urchin (E. mathaei); the former boasts an oval body, while the latter is round.


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