Acanthurus tristis - Mimic Eibli Tang Acanthurus tristis - Mimic Eibli Tang Acanthurus tristis - Mimic Eibli Tang Acanthurus tristis - Mimic Eibli Tang Acanthurus tristis - Mimic Eibli Tang

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Description of Acanthurus tristis Fish

Acanthurus tristis Fish

Care Level: Easy

Temperament: Semi-aggressive

Colouration: Grey, Blue, Orange, Beige-brown

Diet: Herbivore

Reef Compatible: Yes


  • Temperature: 22-26°C
  • Alkalinity (dKH): 8-12
  • pH: 8.1-8.4
  • Salinity (sg): 1.020-1.025

Maximum Size: 25cm

Origin: Indian Ocean

Family: Acanthuridae

Minimum Tank Size: 400 Litres


Acanthurus tristis, commonly known as the surgeonfish that mimics the Indian Dwarf Angelfish Eibli, is a medium-sized surgeonfish. It mimics the colors and pattern of Centropyge eibli when young. When older it becomes brownish-beige with a grayish head. The stomach area is yellow to orange in color and gradually darkens towards the black tail. These are wonderful fish that help control algae in coral or fish tanks.

A tank of at least 400 litres with ample live rock is required to provide plenty of swimming space and territories within the rock. It can be aggressive towards other tangs and surgeonfish, but it is generally peaceful with other fish.

Although tangs consume meaty foods, it is important for them to have a diet rich in marine algae. This will strengthen their immune system, reduce aggression, and improve overall health. Offer dried algae tied to a rock or use a vegetable clip, feeding them at least 3 times a week.

Illustrative photo.


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