Centropyge flavissima - Lemonpeel Angelfish Centropyge flavissima - Lemonpeel Angelfish Centropyge flavissima - Lemonpeel Angelfish Centropyge flavissima - Lemonpeel Angelfish

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Care Level: Moderate

Temperament: Semi-aggressive

Reef Compatible : With care

Water conditions: 23-26°C dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, den 1.020-1.026

Max. Size: 14cm

Color : Blue, Yellow

Diet: Omnivorous

Origin : Australia, Indonesia

Family: Pomacanthidae

Minimum Tank Size: 300 Liters

The Lemonpeel Angelfish is a cheerful yellow with sky-blue highlights on the lips, circling the eyes, the pectoral fins, and the tips of the dorsal, caudal, and anal fins. To avoid confusion with the fake lemon peel angelfish (C. heraldi) which lacks the blue highlights, this angelfish is also referred to as the true lemon peel angelfish.

Not a good reef dweller, the bicolor angelfish is prone to nipping on LPS corals, Softs and Tridacna mantles.

These fish should be kept in a well-managed aquarium, where they can “graze” algae from rocks and rocks. Although these fish enjoy a diverse type of frozen food, it is imperative that their main food is algae-based, thus ensuring that the fish's immune system remains healthy. If there is insufficient algae on the rocks, it is important to feed more often and supplement with algae-rich flakes or pellets, for example. Spirulina, Nori algae or similar.

This species needs good hiding places, for example among live rocks. This species will thrive as a single specimen or as a male to multiple females if the aquarium is large enough. This species can change gender from female to male. When a male is needed, a female changes sex and assumes the role.

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