Pomacanthus navarchus - Blue Girdled Angelfish Pomacanthus navarchus - Blue Girdled Angelfish Pomacanthus navarchus - Blue Girdled Angelfish Pomacanthus navarchus - Blue Girdled Angelfish Pomacanthus navarchus - Blue Girdled Angelfish Pomacanthus navarchus - Blue Girdled Angelfish

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Care Level: Moderate

Temperament: Semi-aggressive

Reef Compatible: No

Water conditions: 23-26°C dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, den 1.020-1.026

Max. Size: 30cm

Color : Black, Blue, White, Yellow

Diet: Omnivorous

Origin : Australia, Indonesia

Family: Pomacanthidae

Minimum Tank Size: 600 Liters

The Blue Girdled Angelfish, also called the Majestic Angelfish, has yellow scales with blue margins and a dark blue band, or belt, that covers the face and extends backwards. The belt is highlighted with neon blue edges.

Although a little shy, this angel is one of the easiest angelfish to keep. Requires a 180 gallon tank or more with multiple hiding spots and live rock for grazing. The Blue Girdled Angelfish is not a good reef dweller, being prone to nipping stony and soft corals (sessile invertebrates) and shellfish mantles. It generally does not harm small polyp stony corals (SPS) and somewhat toxic soft corals.

The Blue Girdled Angelfish's diet should include plant protein such as Spirulina and seaweed, meaty foods such as mysis shrimp, and high quality angelfish preparations containing sponges.

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