Bucephalandra sp. Aqua Artica Bucephalandra sp. Aqua Artica Bucephalandra sp. Aqua Artica

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Bucephalandra sp. Aqua Artica

Scientific Name Bucephalandra sp. Aqua Artica
Common Names Aqua Artica Buce
Family Araceae
Origin Borneo
Description Bucephalandra sp. Aqua Artica is a unique and striking aquatic plant with a distinctive colouration. It thrives in low to moderate light conditions and is adaptable to various water parameters, making it suitable for both beginners and experienced aquarists. Its compact growth and attractive appearance make it a popular choice for aquascaping.
Height 5-15 cm
Propagation Rhizome division
Lighting Requirements Low to moderate
Temperature 22-28 °C
pH 6.0-7.5
Water Hardness Soft to moderately hard
Growth Rate Slow
Use Foreground, midground in planted aquariums
Special Care Requirements

The special care requirements for Bucephalandra sp. Aqua Artica include:

  • Rhizome Placement: Ensure the rhizome is not buried in the substrate to prevent rot.
  • Consistent Conditions: Bucephalandra prefers stable water conditions and benefits from regular, small water changes.
  • Low Light Tolerance: This plant can thrive in low light, making it suitable for low-tech setups.


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