Bucephalandra sp. Ulysses Bucephalandra sp. Ulysses Bucephalandra sp. Ulysses Bucephalandra sp. Ulysses Bucephalandra sp. Ulysses

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Technical Sheet - Bucephalandra sp. Ulysses

Scientific Name Bucephalandra sp. Ulysses
Common Names Ulysses Buce
Family Araceae
Origin Borneo
Description Bucephalandra sp. Ulysses is a sought-after aquatic plant, appreciated for its unique leaf shapes and textures. This plant thrives in low to moderate light conditions and is adaptable to various water parameters, making it a favourite among both novice and seasoned aquarists. Its compact and attractive growth makes it an excellent choice for aquascaping.
Height 5-15 cm
Propagation Rhizome division
Lighting Requirements Low to moderate
Temperature 22-28 °C
pH 6.0-7.5
Water Hardness Soft to moderately hard
Growth Rate Slow
Use Foreground, midground in planted aquariums
Special Care Requirements

The special care requirements for Bucephalandra sp. Ulysses include:

  • Rhizome Placement: Ensure the rhizome is not buried in the substrate to prevent rot.
  • Consistent Conditions: Bucephalandra prefers stable water conditions and benefits from regular, small water changes.
  • Low Light Tolerance: This plant can thrive in low light, making it suitable for low-tech setups.


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