Hygrophila polysperma sp. Tiger Hygrophila polysperma sp. Tiger Hygrophila polysperma sp. Tiger Hygrophila polysperma sp. Tiger

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Technical Sheet - Hygrophila polysperma sp. Tiger

Scientific Name Hygrophila polysperma sp. Tiger
Common Names Tiger Hygro
Family Acanthaceae
Origin Asia
Description Hygrophila polysperma sp. Tiger is a popular aquatic plant known for its unique tiger-striped pattern on the leaves. It is a hardy and fast-growing stem plant that can adapt to a variety of water conditions. This plant is suitable for both beginners and experienced aquarists, adding a striking visual element to the midground or background of aquariums.
Height 20-50 cm
Propagation Cuttings
Lighting Requirements Low to moderate
Temperature 20-28 °C
pH 5.0-8.0
Water Hardness Soft to hard
Growth Rate Fast
Use Midground, background in planted aquariums
Special Care Requirements

The special care requirements for Hygrophila polysperma sp. Tiger include:

  • Regular Trimming: Regular trimming is necessary to maintain the desired shape and prevent overgrowth.
  • Balanced Fertilisation: A balanced fertilisation regime helps maintain healthy growth and vibrant leaf colouration.
  • Lighting: Can thrive under low to moderate lighting, making it versatile for different aquarium setups.


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