Fungia Sp. Orange FRAG (WYSIWYG) Fungia Sp. Orange FRAG (WYSIWYG) Fungia Sp. Orange FRAG (WYSIWYG) Fungia Sp. Orange FRAG (WYSIWYG)

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Fungia spp Ultra

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Fungia Plate Coral

Fungia corals are one of the few types of Large Polyp Stony (LPS) corals capable of moving and shifting. There's a reason why they are exclusively kept on the substrate. If Fungia is placed on the rockwork, it may fall to the bottom of the aquarium!

See below for additional Fungia care tips


Corals found around the islands of the Indo-Pacific, including Fiji, Tonga, the Solomon Islands, and the Great Barrier Reef.


Medium light. Fungia may require a longer acclimation period to intense lighting. They have slightly better coloration under stronger light.

Low light

Low light is between 30 - 50 PAR per unit area

Medium light

Medium light is between 50 - 150 PAR per unit area

Intense light

Intense light is above 150 PAR per unit area

Water Flow

Moderate water movement is recommended, although they can tolerate fairly strong flow. Remember to place Fungia on the substrate. They are one of the few corals that can move on their own and "jump" from rocks.


Although photosynthetic, Fungia are excellent feeders and greatly benefit from regular spot feeding of meaty foods like shrimp and krill. When feeding, pay close attention not to feed pieces of food that are too large to be swallowed by the coral.


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